
James Cragg James Cragg, President & CEO
James attended West Point and served as an Army officer in SOF. James still serves as a major in the United States Army and is a veteran of Afghanistan. Back in 1997 James launched S.O. TECH as a custom shop providing a service for brother soldiers. Then local cops and a handful of federal agents who heard about the ex-Special Ops guy doing custom sewing in the back of a friend’s graphics factory would drop in between warrants in the neighborhood to give Cragg their needs for custom rigs and modifications. S.O. TECH began to grow. What began as a custom ordered rig grew popular by word of mouth and turned in to a production item. The company evolved from a one-machine shop in to a full-service factory for military and law enforcement professionals who required super-durable tactical gear, custom designed to fit their individual mission requirements17 years later he continues to strive for the quality and craftsmanship you'd come to expect from S.O.TECH products.
Bette Hiramatsu Bette Hiramatsu, Chief Financial Planner
Bette comes from a divers background in Financial affairs.
Patrick Stacy Patrick Stacy, Production Manager
Insert Photo of Jose Jose Robledo, Production Planning/ Raw Materials
Insert Photo of Anton Anton Nixon, Director of Business Development
Insert photo of "not Claudio" Claudio Castro, Inside Sales Manager/ Dealer set up
Clark Acton

Clark Acton, Product Design & Manufacturing Specialist

Noe Ramirez Noe Ramirez Shipping Manager
Veronica Arreola Lead Pattern/ Sample maker
Esmeralda Arrelo QC Manager
Deirdre Brinlee Graphic Design/ Photographer
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The S.O.TECH sewing floor
Sewing Floor
The heart of S.O.TECH is our sewers. They strive to produce the best product to the best standards that will give you years of use without falling apart on you.
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